1. clsCalendar.asp
Class Calendar
Private cShowDate
Private cValue
Private cBorder
Private cMonth
Private cYear
Private arrMonths(12)
Private cFonts
Private cFontSize
Private cShowNav
Private cShowForm
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
cBorder = True
arrMonths(1) = "1"
arrMonths(2) = "2"
arrMonths(3) = "3"
arrMonths(4) = "4"
arrMonths(5) = "5"
arrMonths(6) = "6"
arrMonths(7) = "7"
arrMonths(8) = "8"
arrMonths(9) = "9"
arrMonths(10) = "10"
arrMonths(11) = "11"
arrMonths(12) = "12"
cValue = Now
cMonth = Month(Now)
cYear = Year(Now)
cFonts = "Verdana"
cFontSize = 2
cShowNav = False
cShowForm = False
cShowDate = False
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
End Sub
Public Property Let Border(byRef uBorder)
cBorder = uBorder
End Property
Public Property Get Border()
Border = cBorder
End Property
Public Property Get Value()
Value = cValue
End Property
Public Property Let Value(byRef uValue)
cValue = uValue
cMonth = Month(uValue)
cYear = Year(uValue)
End Property
Public Property Let CalMonth(byRef uMonth)
cMonth = uMonth
End Property
Public Property Get CalMonth()
CalMonth = cMonth
End Property
Public Property Let CalYear(byRef uYear)
cYear = uYear
End Property
Public Property Get CalYear()
CalYear = cYear
End Property
Public Property Let Fonts(byRef uFonts)
cFonts = uFonts
End Property
Public Property Get Fonts()
Fonts = cFonts
End Property
Public Property Let FontSize(byRef uFontSize)
cFontSize = uFontSize
End Property
Public Property Get FontSize()
FontSize = cFontSize
End Property
Public Property Let ShowNav(byRef uShowNav)
cShowNav = uShowNav
End Property
Public Property Get ShowNav()
ShowNav = cShowNav
End Property
Public Property Let ShowForm(byRef uShowForm)
cShowForm = uShowForm
End Property
Public Property Get ShowForm()
ShowForm = cShowForm
End Property
Public Property Let ShowDate(byRef uShowDate)
cShowDate = uShowDate
End Property
Public Sub Display
If cShowNav or cShowForm Then
Select Case request("CalAction")
Case "back"
cYear = request("currYear")
If request("currMonth") < 1 Then
cMonth = 12
cYear = request("currYear") - 1
cMonth = request("currMonth")
End If
Case "forward"
cYear = request("currYear")
If request("currMonth") > 12 Then
cMonth = 1
cYear = request("currYear") + 1
cMonth = request("currMonth")
End If
Case "goto"
cMonth = request("currMonth")
If request("currYear") <> "" Then
cYear = Int(request("currYear"))
End IF
End Select
End If
cDay = Weekday(arrMonths(cMonth) & "/" & 1 & "/" & cYear)
Days = DaysInMonth()
If cBorder Then%>
<table border="0" cellpadding=0 style="width:100%;">
<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<%End If%>
<table border="0" cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1 style="width:100%;">
<%If cShowNav Then%>
<td align="center" class="caldateprev"><a href="<%= Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") %>?CalAction=back&currMonth=<%=cMonth - 1%>&currYear=<%=cYear%>" style="text-decoration:none;" class="caldate">«</a></td>
<td colspan="5"align="center" class="caldate"><%=cYear%>년 <%=arrMonths(cMonth)%>월</td>
<td align="center" class="caldatenext"><a href="<%= Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") %>?CalAction=forward&currMonth=<%=cMonth + 1%>&currYear=<%=cYear%>" style="text-decoration:none;" class="caldate">»</a></td>
<td colspan="7"align="center" bgcolor="#666666"><font color="#FFFFFF" size=<%=cFontSize%> face="<%=cFonts%>"><b><%=arrMonths(cMonth) & " " & cYear%></b></font></td>
<%End If%>
<td class="yoiltitle">일</td>
<td class="yoiltitle">월</td>
<td class="yoiltitle">화</td>
<td class="yoiltitle">수</td>
<td class="yoiltitle">목</td>
<td class="yoiltitle">금</td>
<td class="yoiltitle">토</td>
<%i = 1
For j = 1 to cDay - 1%>
<td class="calempty"></td>
<%If i > 6 Then
i = 0
End If
i = i + 1
For j = 1 to Days%>
<td class="calday <% If i=1 Then %>sunday<% ElseIf i=7 Then %>saturday<% End if %>"><%=j%></td>
<%If i > 6 And j <= Days - 1 Then
i = 0
End If
i = i + 1
If i > 1 Then
For m = i to 7%>
<td class="calempty"></td>
End IF%>
<%If cBorder Then%>
<%End If
If cShowForm Then BottomForm
End Sub
Private Sub BottomForm%>
<table border="0" cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1 width=200>
<form method="GET" action="<%= Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") %>">
<td align="right" width="25%"><font color="#000000" size=<%=cFontSize%> face="<%=cFonts%>"><b>Month</b></font></td>
<select name="currMonth">
<%For i = 1 to 12%>
<option value=<%=i%><%If i = Int(cMonth) Then response.write " Selected"%>><%=arrMonths(i)%></option>
<td align="right" width="25%"><font color="#000000" size=<%=cFontSize%> face="<%=cFonts%>"><b>Year</b></font></td>
<td><input type="text" name="currYear" maxlength=4 size=4 value="<%=cYear%>"></td>
<tr><td colspan=4 align="right"><input type="submit" value="GO"></td></tr>
<input type="hidden" name="calAction" value="goto">
End Sub
Private Function DaysInMonth()
Select Case cMonth
Case 1,3,5,7,8,10,12
DaysInMonth = 31
Case 4,5,6,9,11
DaysInMonth = 30
Case 2
If cYear Mod 4 Then
DaysInMonth = 28
DaysInMonth = 29
End If
Case Else
Exit Function
End Select
End Function
End Class